Heart of the Lotus Sangha

The Heart of the Lotus Sangha practices Vipassana, or Insight Meditation and is loosely affiliated with Mountain Stream Meditation Center in Nevada City.

Meetings are every Tuesday, in person, from 6:30-8:15 pm

Heart of the Lotus Sangha is a peer-led group that practices Vipassana in the Western Insight Tradition, typically associated with Spirit Rock Meditation Center, in Marin County. Teachers such as Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Goldstein, and Tara Brach are often an inspiration to our sangha in the form of books chosen for dharma study.  We encourage those new to the center and/or meditation to join us 15-20 minutes early.

Our group was started in 2002 by Tracy McDonald at the suggestion of a root teacher, John Travis (Mountain Stream Meditation Center).  Since 2011, we have been peer-led, with leadership rotating among members. We are a small, but dedicated group of dharma practitioners.

Regular Practice varies each week as follows:

     1st and 3rd week:  We discuss a portion the Dharma Study Book we have chosen, ending with the Metta (Loving Kindness) Meditation

     2nd week: Silent Retreat Night, 30 minutes of sitting meditation, 20 mins of walking meditation and finishing with 30 more mins of sitting meditation.

     4th week: Dharma Talk, discussion and Metta (Loving Kindness) Meditation.

     5th week (whenever there are 5 Tuesdays in a month): POTLUCK and fellowship following Meditation

Occasionally, a member will offer a daylong silent retreat.  Be sure to join our mailing list (by emailing us at heartofthelotussangha@gmail.com) in order to receive our monthly email, and to be notified of any upcoming events.

Primary Contact: Rebecca Cook  530 570 0874 HeartoftheLotusSangha@gmail.com

What to expect during meditation:

Each Meeting, after we settle in, we start with the Refuge Chant in Pali (words avail for all who need them)

     30 minutes of Silent/Guided meditation follows.

     At the end of 30 minutes, the singing bowl is rung 3 times and those who wish, may bow (sitting with hands together and leaning forward).

     This is followed by introductions and announcements (except on our Silent Retreat Night the second Tuesday of each month when this is done prior to meditation).

     Every week, except for the second week, this is followed by a break for tea/fellowship.  For the second week, members are encouraged to proceed directly with walking meditation but a tea break is always an option as well.

Options for Seating:  We sit in a circle facing the facilitator.  ‘Sitting” can be done in a chair, on a mat (zabuton) with a cushion (Zafu) or a sieza bench which are all available for all to use in Buddha Hall.  Others may want to  stand, walk, or do whatever is conducive to individual meditation and which does not disturb the sangha.

What’s Expected of Me

Take off shoes?    Yes, at the front door, after entry, there is a storage on the right side.

Wear Mask?   If requested by an attending member or if COVID numbers are high (most are vaccinated)

Silence during meditation? Yes, but feel free to move, get up, reposition to remain comfortable without disturbing others.

After Meditation, is there a time NOT to speak?   Only on the Silent Retreat Night

Anything to avoid or be aware of?    No

Offering Or Dana? Free will offering weekly to the sangha (see bowl on table) and contributions may be made to the center via the white box or sustained giving (see Jerry or Rebecca on this). All donations voluntary.

It’s my first visit, how should I handle this? It’s a good idea to arrive 15 mins or so early. Inform one of the sangha members that it’s your first visit, so they may show you around and help you get set up for meditation.

The Core Philosophy of this Group: We are a loving group here in support of one another. We are flexible and open minded in our approach to practice.